Cobotics (Collaborating Robotics)
Computer VisionSwarm RoboticsMachine learningElectronics
capstone Project
Project Link
A project which aims to bring together the concepts of swarm robotics, machine learning and computer vision in order to implement robots designed to estimate the weight of an object, and work together to move the object. The following demonstration videos have been made available below

  • Video 1
    System underestimates the objective's weight, first robot becomes stuck, a second robot is sent to help
  • Video 2
    System has learned that objective is heavier than expected from a previous trial and sends two robots to complete the task

PythonDynamic Malware DetectionWindows
work Project
Developed a behavioral anti-malware tool for Windows alongside a team of international cyber security experts, enabling the detection of the then recently discovered Bad Rabbit ransomware
personal Project
Project Link
An iOS app aimed to make the interview process easier for students and new graduates. This project was created as a means for me to be able to learn mobile app development.

Simulation of a Noisy Communication System
Communication SystemsStochastic ProcessesCMATLAB
course Project
Project Link
A project which aims to create an accurate computer simulation model of a noisy communication system. This project involved the creation of a multiplicative congruential pseudorandom number generator which outputted random numbers which were either uniformly or Gaussian distributed. The uniform random number generator functionality was used to generate a NRZ PAM signal, while the Gaussian random number generator was used to generate Additive Gaussian White Noise.
3.0 GHz Microwave Amplifier
Microwave CircuitsRF EngineeringNational Instruments AWRMATLAB
course Project
A 3.0 GHz microwave amplifier circuit, designed using narrow-band techniques and optimized using National Instruments AWR software. The design was optimized for maximum forward gain, and minimum input reflection. Once the design was fully simulated it was implemented using microstrip technology and tested using a vector network analyzer. Overall the project was successful in creating an amplifier with around 10 dBW of forward gain.

8-bit Vending Machine Processor
VLSIVHDLIntegrated Circuits
course Project
Project Link
A basic 8-bit vending machine processor designed using VHDL. The processor design was implemented and tested using Quartus. The processor allowed for currency input of 5 cent, 10 cent and 25 cent denominations and supported a maximum of two different drinks.
Optimization of Solar Panel Broadband Anti-Reflective Coating
OpticsSolar EnergyMATLAB
course Project
This project aimed to optimize the refraction indices of a multilayer solar panel anti-reflective coating (ARC) in order to allow the solar panel coating to achieve maximum optical power transfer at the desired wavelength of 650 nm. Overall, around 8.5 W of additional solar power was absorbed by the solar panel surface when using a 3-layer computer optimized ARC as compared to its mathematically optimized counterpart.

Super Candy Run
Game DesignUnityC#
personal Project
A basic arcade racing game designed in Unity3D for mobile devices. The aim of this project was to allow me to gain experience into game development and enhance my knowledge of mobile applications.